Thursday, August 22, 2013

Strawberry and Margarine Bowl Hoarder!

 Are you one of those teachers that saves everything?  Well, I have been one for years!! I save all those tubs that margarine comes in, frozen strawberries, and even the cold cut meats that come in those tubs with the lids! My family thinks I am nuts! I just hate to throw something away that could possibly be used for something else.

Whenever I have containers and anything of that nature, I always ask myself, "now what could I use this for", I am afraid it is a habit I will never be able to break.

 Well this week I was glad I saved one of those strawberry bowls(I have a really nice set of them because strawberries are my absolute favorite!) because I am using it to store a new reading station activity that I have created! Look at the pics below and you will see what I did!

 I made a new product to post in my TpT store. It is called Strawberry Sounds Y Sounds Like i, Y Sounds Like e and I am using the strawberry bowl as the container to keep the parts! I made a label to put on the lid and a couple of strawberries to put on the side. I cut out the strawberries that go with this sort around the box and around the strawberry so I could decide how I wanted to cut them out. I prefer cutting around the strawberry instead of the box. Students sort the words on the strawberries onto the mat that is correct. After sorting the words, they can then record their responses on the response sheet that is provided.

There is also a fill-in-the-blank page for students to complete.

I knew those strawberry bowls would come in handy!!

Click on the picture below and check out Strawberry Sounds at my TpT Store.
This item will be 1/2 price for the next 48 hours!!

I am going to continue to add to my collection of items that I can recycle.
My family will just have to live with it!!  HaHa