Monday, March 5, 2012

Manic Monday!!

Wowie, WOW, WOW!! What a doosey of a day!! We are planning a field trip to see the movie The Lorax tomorrow and needless to say my kiddos are super, duper excited!! I had to take a DEEEEPPP breath by the afternoon or we were all going to be crazy!! Any way, I am working on some new TpT stuff to post. Trying to do some Social Studies(my favorite!) units about Famous Americans. Hopefully I will get this completed in the next few days. Today in math we started our multiplication chapter, and so far so good. I don't think I have lost anyone yet. Time will tell!

Off the get ready for tomorrow! Lorax, here we come!!


  1. You're so lucky to be seeing The Lorax with your class! Jealous!

  2. I've given you the TOP 10 Award! Go check it out here:


